Many entrepreneurs have embraced the use of video as one of the marketing contents for a long time. The good thing is that even consumers have come to value the importance of video marketing in today’s digital world. This is one of the reasons why YouTube in recent years has gained popularity than ever before, and when Facebook has the highest number of active users, YouTube comes second. This popularity provides you with the opportunity to interact with more consumers on a daily basis as long as you can make quality videos. Here are other reasons why you need to add video content to your marketing strategy today.

1. Enhances SEO
Google will spend time on your website to evaluate the value of the information you are providing to your site visitors. Videos are one of site contents that they tend to rank highly. All you need to do is make a quality video to not only impress consumers but also Google evaluators. According to Chrissy Weems, it is advisable that you hire someone with experience to make your video if you do not have the necessary skills or equipment to make a good video. Video contents can work very well with search engine optimization tools, and you will improve your visibility on the internet.
2. Better Presentation Of Your Contents
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and this means that a video can be worth a million or more words. A video conveys your brand, products, and services in a better way than an image due to the visualization effects. For instance, if you have discovered a new face product, it will be easy to convey it in 3D effects including how to use using it through a video tutorial. Chrissy Weems says that video is capable of grabbing consumers’ attention easily than it would be through writing, which is the reason why you need to combine it with other marketing strategies in your business.
3. High ROI
While video marketing increases traffic on your website through enhanced SEO, it also means improved sales, and hence more revenues. Since video tends to explain your brand in a better way to your consumers, they will trust you easily and hence buy more from you. This means that video is not all about intangible benefits because these benefits translate into more sales. Also, unlike before when making a video would cost a fortune, technology has made it easier than you can make a quality video using a nice mobile phone hence reducing your marketing budget.
4. A Video Is Effective On All Occasions
Video marketing is a very versatile mode of marketing, and you can use it anywhere and to market everything including events. Therefore it doesn’t matter the kind of business you do or the profession in which you operate in for you to use video as your marketing strategy. Even if you own a consulting agency and do not have a product to show, you can interview one of your happy customers and post a video under testimonials. This is one of the reasons why Chrissy Weems uses video contents to market Origami Owl products and spread philanthropist activities carried out by the jewelry company. All you need to do is plan your content marketing campaign well to prevent it from backfiring on you.